Philpott Alumni Program
The Philpott Alumni program brings together past participants and coaches to build a connection beyond tennis through networking; mentorship; development opportunities; and a supportive community as they pursue their professional aspirations.

Why is an alumni program important?
The Alumni Program was launched by a former Philpott participant and Leadership Program graduate. As he began looking for his first professional internship, he found it challenging to build a network in his area of study. This absence of a professional network is a common challenge for youth in our communities. The Alumni program is designed to address this need by extending the connections and community formed within Philpott, so that participants can help each other with networking; mentorship; development opportunities, and a community of support as they continue their journeys beyond tennis.
Who is it for and how does it work?
The Alumni program is for anyone who has been involved with Philpott programs. This includes former participants, coaches, volunteers, and supporters. It’s designed to keep this community connected as they continue to grow personally and professionally. There are a number of events offered throughout the year including socials, tennis events, networking and mentoring opportunities, and learning workshops. Simply join our mailing list to learn how you can get involved.

Our first Alumni event took place this past summer. Over 30 former coaches and participants reconnected for a fun evening of tennis and friendship. There was food, prizes, and lots of fun tennis. The event was a great display of the comfortable, supportive, and connected community we aim to foster with this program.

The first Alumni event brought a surprising reunion when Marco, Kim, and Lindsey realised their connection spanned 3 generations of Philpott. “It took us a moment”, said Kim, “but then we realised that Lindsey was my very first Philpott coach at Malvern, over 15 years ago. I would always talk about her and my first years in the program.”
The story didn’t end there. Kim, who also went onto to become a Philpott coach, revealed that she had coached Marco, also in attendance. “It was like everything came full circle”, said Kim. Executive Director, Richard Crowell, was also there for the surprise reunion, “Seeing 3 generations of Philpott Alumni come together is a powerful reminder of the lasting impact of what we do.” Read more about this heartwarming story below.

Please meet “the Boys from Oakridge” as they are affectionately known amongst our Philpott family. Abeishan, Arnab, Asvin, Paul (pictured L-R) and Aungshu (missing from photo) have a been a tight-knit group since they first met on the courts at Philpott’s Oakridge site over 10 years ago.
What started as fun times on the tennis court has turned into a life-long bond. Their friendship grew throughout highschool and their shared love for tennis and deep-rooted camaraderie keeps them close, even as life takes them onto university and in different directions. They attended the first alumni event and are excited for this program, which extends the connection and support they enjoy with each other, to a wider network.

Kim grew up with Philpott, where she started as a camper at our Malvern site at 6 years old. She completed the full pathway of Philpott programs becoming a player; coach; administrator; manager; and leader. It all lead to pursuing a career in sport management and earning opportunities to work for Tennis New Brunswick and Tennis Canada; making her the first Philpott participant to work for a National Sport Organisation. Today, she finds herself back at Philpott Children’s Tennis as a Development Officer, trying to grow our organisation and make even more stories like hers possible.
“Philpott represents the gold standard in community organisations”, says Kim, “The Alumni program is a natural extension to our full pathway of programs that keep youth involved and engaged, from the moment they pick up their first racquet, to when they start looking for their first job.”
Kamya picked up a racquet for the first time at the Philpott Girls Leadership program at West Humber High School. Tennis wasn’t on her radar at all, never mind becoming a coach. But she completed the Leadership program and she found coaching fun and rewarding. She also found it a great way to grow her leadership skills and confidence, as well as earn valuable summer employment. Now Kamya joins the Alumni program to stay connected with her Philpott friends while she pursues a degree in Health Sciences.