Philpott Little Readers
Philpott Little Readers is a one-on-one after school reading program for children aged 5-10. The program runs for two 12-week sessions throughout the school year. After a successful pilot in spring 2021, this program has run at capacity for two consecutive years.

What is the Little Readers Program?
One-on-one after school reading program that runs for two 12-week sessions throughout the school year. The program lauched in response to parent feedback that it was difficult to get after-school support during the pandemic. Since then, each Little Readers session has been so popular that we’ve made it a regular program offering.
Who is it for and how does it work?
Little Readers is offered to kids aged 5-10. Children are paired with a Coach Reader from Philpott’s Leadership Program. They meet once a week on Zoom for some reading, educational games, exploring the Little Readers’ interests, and just being a friend! Little Readers build confidence and literacy skills in a fun and supportive environment.

from our program manager, Stephan Harris
“The Little Readers Program has been a great addition to our programming. It allows our participants to work on their literacy skills to feel more confident and build strong connections through reading. The families and children, who signed up, look forward to their reading sessions each week and enjoy the fun material planned by their Coach Reader. The flexible nature of this program makes it a lot easier for parents to sign their kids up as well. We are always looking for more volunteers to be paired as Coach Readers for our youth.”
-Stephan Harris

Our partnership with First Book Canada allowed us to add 30 cases of books to our reading library and distribute books to the kids. Each Little Reader received a package of books at the end of their session! Thank you to First Book Canada as well as Greenwin Corp. Below are some testimonials from parents of our Little Readers participants.

Here’s Halle and Russell from the Little Readers program. Their mom, Ai-Chin Liu, said the following:
“I received some books and gifts for my child last week. We really appreciate this kind gesture from the Philpott family. We are enjoying the books and activities over the holidays. The reading program has been a great initiative. My 2 kids are always looking forward to their reading time with their coaches. They seem to enjoy reading even more now. Thank you so much for everything you do!”

Here’s HoJune and HeeJin from the Little Readers program. This is what their parents said about the program:
“HeeJin and HoJune love the Little Readers Program a lot! Every week they wait by the computer for their reading time with their coach reader. Thank you so much for the Christmas gifts! They enjoy reading and are looking forward to seeing their coach reader again!”