Starting January 31st, 2016 and running for 6 weeks, the Scarborough Winter Tennis Club has given up 2 hours of indoor court time every Sunday to the Doug Philpott Inner City Children’s Tennis Fund. This court time, under the strong leadership of Philpott tennis supervisor Ricky Chee, welcomes 8 Philpott youth who will work on their tennis playing and teaching skills, in preparation of the Tennis Canada Level 1 certification course. This course takes place during the March break. The Philpott youth who are part of the Philpott tennis lessons during the summer and many who have participated in the Toronto Sports Leadership program, have not played tennis since the fall. This program gives them an opportunity to practice their playing and teaching skills in preparation for the course. This practice is a critical component to enable candidate success. We are very grateful to the Scarborough Winter Tennis Club for the court time, to Ricky and Christopher Chee for their tennis instructor expertise and to Lori Posner and Julie Das from the City of Toronto and the Toronto Sports Leadership program to ensure all the pieces come together to make this new initiative possible.