It is with great pleasure that we welcome RacquetGuys into the Philpott equipment sponsorship family. RacquetGuys will be joining Head Canada, Merchant of Tennis and Wilson Sport to ensure that the Philpott campers have exceptional tennis equipment for their summer lessons. RaquetGuys is also willing to provide exceptional silent auction items for our various Philpott fundraising events. As owner Troy Russell says “We have been wanting to help out the Philpott organization for a long time because we are huge supporters of what the charity does and the difference it makes in the lives of children living in the inner city, through the sport we love – tennis”. RacquetGuys the Philpott children say a huge thank you!

Philpott Welcomes RacquetGuys
- Post author:Kim Pallarca
- Post published:October 15, 2016
- Post category:Donors News / Philpott Partners